The 3 Qualities of a Highly Effective Social Media Manager

In the ever-evolving world of social media, you’ll find many professionals with diverse strategies for accomplishing one major goal—making social media work for their clients. Every social media manager has a different approach, but a successful social media manager has three key attributes: they listen, they learn, and they create high-caliber content.

From the start of their work with a client, a good social media manager listens. They learn the story behind your brand and they gather as much information as possible to create personalized and relevant content about your company.

They also ask the right questions, getting to know they “why” behind your brand and what goals you’d like to achieve through social media marketing. Once they gather all the necessary information, they continue to monitor both their client’s and competitors’ activities. This helps them position their client at the top of their industry on social media with content that is both current and relevant.

Social media managers who stay updated and open to change are the champions of their clients.

A successful social media manager also never stops learning. Trends on social media change daily, so knowing what content performs helps social media managers tailor content that’s effective and of-the-moment. We’ve also seen new social media platforms emerge just in the last few years, from TikTok to Threads, and with them, new content to master. Managers who stay updated and open to change are the champions of their clients.

The last important quality of a highly effective social media manager lies in the quality of their content. Possessing a range of skills, from writing compelling copy to graphic design and photography, allows them to create polished, professional content. Beyond basic social media marketing, there is a craft behind being a social media manager. Wearing many hats and honing many skills allows our clients to shine on social media. 

When choosing a social media manager to represent your brand online, look for these three attributes: a seasoned professional who not only listens attentively, learns continuously, and crafts effective content but also has the finesse to orchestrate a seamless online presence. In the age of social media marketing, your brand needs a strategist who can navigate the landscape of social media and help your brand stand out. 

Emily Briggs

Emily Briggs is a social media manager based in Doylestown, PA serving clients in multiple industries throughout Bucks County, the Greater Philadelphia region, and New York City.

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